The workstation itself is easy, as I still have this sturdy Games Workshop Painstation from way back when kicking around:

(This one's been out of production for years, I believe, but you'll find other options, for example at Warlord Games or Hobbyzone)
It's great to just be able to put your workspace up on top of a shelf and have it out of the way, then get it back down and start working almost immediately!
Paint storage, on the other hand, was a bit tougher. With over a hundred pots of paint from various manufacturers and the aforementioned limitations in terms of work and storage space, many, many awesome options offered either too little room for paints, or were themselves too large.
Since I often have 30-50 pots of paint standing around during one project, my desk gets cluttered up bad, making preparation before and cleanup after a painting session more of a hassle than I'm happy with. I needed a solution!
One thing I found was the amazing "Ultimate Paint Rack" by fellow German bloggers Massive Voodo. It had it all: small footprint (that drawer system is so great!), tons of space for paints, compatibility with multiple different pots at the same time, even a transport option for those painting nights at friends' places!
Sadly, that is not currently available as the indiegogo campaign is through and they're looking for a way to produce more of them.
In the end it was this "3 Drawer Storage Cube" by Sphere Products that gave me the idea I needed: There's no reason to put all of my paints into an accessible rack, just the ones I'm currently using! So why not store all the paints in some kind of space-efficient drawer system and use a small, self-made paint rack for the 30-50 of them I need at any given time? You'd think that would have been an obvious solution from the start, right?
Using some Foamcore I had left over from a papercraft project, I cobbled together this little beauty, and learned quite a bit about hot glue guns in the process! ;)

So how does all this look on the shelf, now? Pretty good, I'd say!

That's your standard, 80cm wide IKEA BILLY shelf there, housing two TJENA boxes for tools and materials, as well as the PALLRA "mini chest with 3 drawers" which, incidentally, are the perfect height for Vallejo type dropper bottles. Don't throw away that cardboard stabilizer thing inside the drawers, you can cut it into smaller strips to act as separators for your rows of paint, to keep them in the correct order!

Yes, the TJENA and PALLRA are available in boring colors, too.
I find it excellent how you manage to do all this stuff, really great especially for all out there who doesn't have the room and money for this kind of hobbies it will be an inspiration! :-)
AntwortenLöschenGood luck and continue the great work!